Way too fluffy and cute, but sort of fun to watch once.
20 June 2022
I was really looking forward to this movie! And then? I was a little disappointed. I was hoping for a fun sneaky sort of "edgy" vibe, which it had...at first. But only in the very beginning. Then it devolved into a sort of mushy cute warm fuzzy family-first Hallmark channel vibe.

Everything seemed a little "candy-coated," with the whole bright colors plastic people sort of feel.

Every character was a worn-out trope of a cliche: The older recently retired guy who feels sort of useless and doesn't know what to do with himself. The guy's wife who wants to feel young again and have that "spark" in her marriage that seems to have gone bye-bye. The son who laments the fact his dad was always too "into numbers and math" to toss a football around. The goofy Midwest teller girl at the bank who (ironically) claims she doesn't like math. The wise-guy college kid who puts down old people. Etc...

It was too "fake" feeling to allow myself to become totally engaged. And the ending? Wow. Total Hallmark stuff.

Anyway...I really don't want to sound so negative (too late, I know)! On the plus side, the movie was cute and watchable...once. I probably won't watch it again. I did get some chuckles...mostly in the first half of the movie.

The actors all did a decent job with what they were given to work with. I have no complaint about the actors. It's (as usual) the writers' fault. And maybe the directors. Stop making everything so fake, people! Let's add some edginess for interest...(remember Breaking Bad? Remember why it worked so well)?

Why did the wife just smile like an imbecile throughout the entire movie? Why was she so one-dimensional? Maybe the couple could have experienced some marital difficulties, to add interest. Maybe the wife could have had some hobbies or something so she seemed like a real person? (Oh dear. Back to being negative).

Anyway, watch it...enjoy it for what it's worth. A cute sappy warm sentimental movie, and nothing more.
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