A Safe Place (1971)
The Inland Empire of Tuesday Weld
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This extremely silly piece of filmmaking in which Orson Welles does magical tricks and talks in a funny accent, is a (failed) combination of early seventies Antonioni ( Blow Up, Zabriskie Point) and American hippie cinema (Psych Out, Head).

I like what Tuesday Weld did in Lord Love a Duck and Pretty Poison so I decided to give it a shot.

She is not very convincing as a hippie chick, not only because of her restrained style, but also because of her looks and the way she dresses. Or maybe the New York hippie scene was kinda lame compared to California. You decide.

Jack Nicholson was creepy enough and he makes you wonder how stupid girls were back then, giving it for free to every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

This film is all over the place and does nothing but copy filming and editing techniques from far superior films.

It would have called it a waste of time, if it wasn't for the last five minutes where some sort of explanation is given for the previous 85 minutes of Mumbo-Jumbo.

Then everything kinda makes more sense although I'm not sure if all viewers will get it.

It seems that Tuesday Weld died when she was a little girl but does not remember it. She is trapped in some sort of purgatory.

The silver ball stands for her soul, and the Orson Wells character is Death.

What David Lynch did with Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire, this film did first. For this reason alone, you may want to check A Safe Place.
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