SummerSlam (2013 TV Special)
Oh Yeah!! One Hell Of A Party
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
SummerSlam 2013 Thoughts

SummerSlam 2013 was the 26th annual SummerSlam event produced by the WWE. It took place at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California on August 18, 2013. Attendence was said to be 17,739 with a buyrate of 296,000. The event has been praised among fans and journalist of being one of the best SummerSlams of all time with it's buildup being very well executed (something that the WWE wouldn't put much effort in unless it was WrestleMania season).

The show consisted of 9 total matches (1 on the preshow). The 2 biggest draws of the card were the WWE Championship match and the No DQ match. Lesnar vs. CM Punk was something everyone waited for after the long story of Punk's Journey up the top from Paul Heyman who off script was a backstage booker who saw Punk as the future (a story that goes way back). Him facing Lesnar made a perfect story as we all know no one is a bigger Paul Heyman guy than this man. Daniel Bryan in the WWE Championship match picture was finally something Hardcore fans been waiting to get for a while and it marked a special moment in Bryan's career. He would be facing the number 1 face in wrestling at the biggest party of the summer.

The Good - The 2 big ad matches were outstanding and delivered. I from the looks of research am a rare guy to give the main event a 5 star classic as I feel everything was perfectly balanced from the buildup, story, and match it's self. Even though Orton cashed in the MITB I feel Bryan winning at the end did not get over shadowed. Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk was all out incredible. Another David vs. Goliath style Connection worked well. Honestly I might think of this as Brock Lesnar's best Single's match post return as sadly Lesnar went to a style of not wanting to be in long and no sells. 2 of the undercard matche were pretty fine. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio was really good and better than I expected. Too bad the title they were fighting for was pretty dead at the time.

The Meh - I didn't see the preshow but I feel it was pretty questionable to have the US title match of RVD vs. Dean Ambrose on the pre show over a 2 matches on this card that weren't that good. Also the mix tag match was okay but kind of boring.

The Bad - The divas match was what you expected around this time. The one booked tonight was more of an advertisement of the show of Total Divas with the match having no story or meaning of why the were set to clash. Crowd didn't care as the random chants were what made it watchable. The opening of Kane vs. Bray Wyatt was also Lackluster. The match felt more like and angle than a match with the constint interfering of Harper & Rowan. It pretty much was a standred 1 on 1 with no reason to have the ring on fire.

Overall - Well if not for 2002, this would be the best SummerSlam ever. This was no doubt the best WWE PPV of 2013. The show already was looking fine from the beginning and when the "double" main events hit, it was official this would make everyone happy looking back on the show. Phenomenal show all around.

Score - 9 out of 10: Awesome

0 = Terrible : 1 = Bad/Lackluster : 2 = Decent : 3 = Good : 4 = Awesome : 5 = One of the Best of all Time :

1. Bray Wyatt vs. Kane (Ring of Fire) - 1.5/5

2. Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow - 3/5

3. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio: World Heavyweight Championship - 3.5/5

4. Natalya vs. Brie Bella - 0.5/5

5. CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar (No DQ) - 4.5/5

6. Big E. Langston & AJ Lee vs. Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn - 2/5

7. John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan: WWE Championship - 5/5

8. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton: WWE Championship - Not Worth It

Best Match - John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan

Worst Match - Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Most Memorable Moment - Daniel Bryan's victory

Top 5 Performers

1. Daniel Bryan - Outstanding Performance

2. John Cena - Outstanding Performance

3. CM Punk - Outstanding Performance

4. Brock Lesnar - Outstanding Performance

5. Christian/Alberto - Good Performance by both men. Hard to choose 1.
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