I Can Not Rate This Movie Correctly.
8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I Can Not Rate This Movie Correctly, i have seen it, without any subtitles, so i barely had any clues what is going on. I can go on and say that the movie is definetly bizzare, and it seems meaningful. Apparently the first part of the movie, is about fingers on legs, can be moved to hands if needed.

Also this movie seems pretty realistic, as in there's no special effects, like Traces of Death or Faces of Death, it seems like a "movie" That depicts actual events, everything is real. The second part, was the only "disturbing" part of the movie, where we see children that are born together, pretty much two heads, one body, four hands, two legs. It's really bizzare, and it was mostly sad really. Until the ending of the segment, which truly just made me sick, and i am somebody that watched tons of graphic movies, i am not going to spoiler, it's really bad, and really graphic depiction, Colorized.

Third segment which seemed the weakest, is about apparently dead people's blood being useable on alive people. During the movie, there's theses prolonged scenes. That serve no purpose, transitions, of dots, and randomness, and there's this chick that serves no purpose, she's sitting there, and then she begins eating with hands, it just is really confusing. However, the movie does seem to have purpose, and i understand why the movie is in the end of the iceberg, dye to the second part, where you see actual children struggling to survive, and that end scene of the second part, still is horrifying to think of.

Again, i did not have any subtitles when watching this, so.
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