Louder with Crowder (2015 Podcast Series)
"Intolerant" - Those who can't tolerate show's existence
31 May 2022
Not the sharpest humour ever, nor is it the funniest thing I've ever seen, but it provides a handy reference point as an alternative-angle response version of television's establishment figures who serve up nightly the same views as each other, which just so happen to be the same views as the current US political establishment.

Crowder isn't the funniest, nor do I align with him politically, but his in-house comic Dave Landau is very, very, sharp and more centrist in his outlook.

Had it been Crowder alone, I'd give it a 6, but Landau is the star of the show and the man who makes it a 9.

A lot has been said regards improper this, offensive that, but it's bog-standard Conservative stuff rather than the highly-objectionable extremist content they wish to portray it as.

There's a huge layer of irony here, as those who blast the show for its so-called intolerance seem to be doing so out of political disagreement, with an aim of denying the show its broadcast platform.

Rather than making their own points and indulging in the grown-up world of debate and discussion, they seem to set out to stop Crowder from having a voice, and that's something I believe none of us should tolerate.

"I may not agree with what you say," and all that.
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