Disappointed, deceived & swindled
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I'm a fan of DC and although I never got into Kamandi or The Losers, I have liked the Charleston comic's characters since Crisis. Potentially, the writers had the basis to craft a better story about the House of Mystery. Having John Constantine be stuck there and get killed over and over and over was pointless & redundant (and I love the Spectre's for of Justice.) They underused a lot of the mystical characters like the Spectre & Etrigan, as well as characters from the House of Mystery: Cain, Abel or the House itself. I don't remember reading too many House of Mystery comics when I was a kid, but the ones I did were pretty cool and supernaturally weird. The Constantine "movie" was just a disappointment and not very good, to put it bluntly. And I don't recall that it said that this was a short story when I bought the DVD for $24.99. Also, the other shorts on the disc have been in previous DC animated movie compilations. Every DC animated movie has shorts related to either the theme, the story or the character of that movie. I guess they just decided, "Hey let's all put these ones previously used under the DC showcase monitor." That wasn't in the marketing. Heck, if they would have released a really cool figure, such as Etrigan, with this disc, I wouldn't have been so slighted. It's just pure laziness on the side of the DC higher-ups who decided on this disc / movie. It's bad enough that the comic books are getting inundated with crappy writing and stupid story lines. Now it seems it's trickling down to the animated universe as well. I'll have to really think about purchasing the next DCAU disc.
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