Review of Jibaro

Love, Death & Robots: Jibaro (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
Not so much "Jibaro" as just plain "Gibber"
26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Review for normal people:

It's the worst episode of the season and full of the pretentious nonsense that art house movies (and the people that watch them) love. The story could be told in about three minutes but is stretched out to fifteen with the excessive, and somewhat gratuitous, gyrations by the Nyad/Siren and a plethora of running/riding madly through trees, across rivers and so on.

In short.. siren beguiles a group of knights to a watery death but the lone deaf knight escapes this fate, only to madly set about hunting down and trying to kill the water spirit seemingly only with the notion of stealing her gold encrusted clothing. He seems to succeed only to magically have his hearing restored and fall victim to the not-dead spirit at the end.

That's it. I've actually summarised the "plot" in such a way as to make it sound almost interesting. Trust me, it is not. It is overly pretentious drivel that is a waste of your time. Art is not made by camera tricks or filters. It is not made by shaky cam footage. It is not made by padding out short scenes into long ones. It is most definitely not made by sacrificing substance in favour of style.

Review for art lovers:

A beautiful, transcendent piece valuing motion and imagery over story. Not to be watched... to be felt! A truly life-changing experience that will leave you breathless and unsettled. You will want to watch it again and again! Huzzah!

Back to normality:

As the title of this review suggests, it is visual gibber. So many 10 star reviews by people who have not reviewed anything else makes me suspicious. Especially when some of those accounts have been in existence for quite some time. I'm used to seeing such reviews from new accounts, but old ones that have never reviewed anything else? Hmmm. You decide.

SUMMARY: Utter rubbish. Not worth your time unless the idea of a dancing disco ball is your jam. Best avoid this one.
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