Nothing amazing, but it's growing on me
5 May 2022
It's a given with these music competition shows that they'll be full of gimmicks and scripted fluff, and it's always the worst part but for some reason they keep making them this way. ASC is no different, but in my opinion, the combined charm of Snoop and Kelly make it more tolerable than it would be with other hosts. They're both so naturally funny that the scripted bits soften seem self-aware and sometimes even sarcastic.

I was very put off by almost all of the music in the first round. I don't listen to much modern music, so everything was sounding just like the kind of generic stuff I try to tune out when I hear it played in the grocery store, only somehow even cornier. BUT I'm glad I stuck around for the semifinals, because after almost everyone in the competition was eliminated, we're now left with a much smaller crop of surprisingly catchy songs and artists that really seem to be taking the show seriously.

I think the biggest problems with this show are a lack of marketing and a wonky, inconsistent voting process (as far as I can tell). Live shows that require viewer participation really need to figure out how to adapt now that people don't have live TV. It's hard to stay invested when you're watching the next day, even though they have extended the voting window in the past few weeks.

Regardless, I love what this show is trying to do and the inclusive vibe amongst the contestants.
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