Wall of Noise (1963)
Ambition is its own horse race.
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So is success in the entertainment industry, and for Ty Hardin, early success in TV did not translate to a successful movie career. This was his opportunity to test his big-screen magnetism, and after it didn't pay off big for him, his career moves into the world of B movies unlike his co-star here, the beautiful Suzanne Pleshette who walks off with the film along with the character actors in supporting parts. As the wife of wealthy Ralph Meeker, Pleshette risks everything by coming involved with horse trainer Hardin. It seems at first that hardens girlfriend, Dorothy Provine, is the Femme Fatale, but as the film goes on, there's a twist that changes all that. The glamorous life that Hardin ends up with because of his involvement with Pleshette occurs when his horse ends up in the winner's circle, but success doesn't always last and it doesn't bring lasting happiness.

Often slowed, this melodrama builds as Hardin becomes more successful, but unlike other big Warner Brothers saga / soap operas of the time, this was done in black and white but cries for color. The script does give a nice look into the often harsh and Sinister world of horse racing behind the scenes, Joe and features such talented character actors as Simon Oakland and Murray Matheson. What could have been a very good drama about how ambition can destroy ends up as rather ordinary, not a bad film but not as good as it could have been. The direction and script play a part in that. But Pleshette is always worth watching, her delightful smokey voice stealing everything she's in.
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