I can't even begin to describe how bad it is.
28 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
*im not an English native speaker nor a movie critic, but this one is so bad i HAD to write something about it, so excuse my possible mistakes

So...where to begin. What to say.

This whole movie felt like a music video with some beautiful visuals and landscapes and often people having sex in different locations. And if they weren't having sex, they were staring off at the ocean "meaningfully".

Now sprinkle a few sentences there and then and boom thats our movie.

I can't even understand how can anyone write or produce something this bad.

Characters- zero. There is literally nothing to say about characters as they are generic and so one layered that i think i would see better written characters in otome games. They have no past, no future, no thought process, no motives, no nothing. They are just here to make the "story" go.

I get that the idea is nothing new and it has the usual bad guy mafia boss and a beautiful but wild girl who gets in troubles and needs saving BUT couldn't there be a little more conversation? Was it so hard for the author to write a few pages from the perspectives of other characters and their insights? You have all the pieces: hot and cool male protagonists, wild and free female protagonist, they get married but are having communication and trust issues. Was there ever attention on those problems? Did our couple even TRIED to fight or argue about it once? No. Missed opportunity to easily gain some depth and add some drama to their dynamic to show us how each side feels about it, how would they defend themselves or what they think in general. Just no.

Next , and in my opinion the character with the most potential: the twin brother. (Again i know its a generic trope) It could've added so much if his tragic story was even a little bit elaborated and worked out. I mean he showed up twice?? But everything that's happening was happening because of him? "There is an evil twin brother with evil motives just go along with it"? I feel like there could easily be made up so much more to fill up the story a little bit. Hell, I feel like I could easily make up some character background and better plot. Was it so hard to write some sob story about abandoned child at least in attempt to make things seem more "DeEp"? Or something about hot and caring but cold and distant bad guy? Or maybe a few words from a woman who lost her unbound child? Im so pissed that there was like one minute talk about it in the beginning and then nothing. Everything is so flat and shallow.

I dont even know what to say about other characters: Olga and Dominic? What the hell. The gardener seemed nice in the beginning but it turned out to be fake and just like the rest.

I think i said enough about plot just by talking about characters but I MUST mention few other things. That shooting scene and Lauras running in the end had me literally laughing. And its so funny that near the end, they all meet up to "talk business" but 1 minute into the conversation they all somehow end up worrying about Laura and suddenly ending the meeting to go find her. That was a legit WT* moment for me. Mafia in this movie=🤡 . And Lauras mum who dramatically turns while leaving and says "don't stop me" while no one even moved a finger to do so? Also laughed. That little fashion show sequence? What was that about???

To sum up, this movie could have been your generic movie with average, kinda cringy plot and average characters that we've seen so many times, but it horribly fails to even do that and meet the minimum in every aspect. Instead its a 2 hour long music video. Its just terrible. I didn't think it could be worse than first one but here we are.
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