An enjoyable and highly amusing vampire comedy
20 April 2022
After a wild night out, a man's brother returns home with a series of strange ailments and a story that seems entirely too much like a vampire attack, and as they try to cure him with the help of a vampire hunter, they soon realize his vampire powers might help them more than hinder them.

There was a lot of fun to be had with this one. Among the better features here is the hysterical comedy that comes about from the goofy setup and premise at play here. The engaging opening that tells how he came to be bitten by the vampire and his quest to return home to his brother who's entirely too convinced of everything from the start offers a fantastic series of sight-gags and jokes about the situation, from trying to remain out of sight of his mother despite the incoming sunlight burning his skin or the comments at his stupidity in not realizing what's going on. The back-and-forth banter here is just a start as the type of comedy present here carries on throughout this one with all sorts of humorous situations detailing the need to keep him away from others only being caught up by their clumsy behavior and ineptness for a grand series of hysterical slapstick comedy and wordplay jokes. With this in place, the series of horror ambushes at play here are quite fun and have a lot to like. The opening attack that shows the vampires turning the bride into their kind and going wild on the rest of the bridal party starts this on a strong note, while the flashback getting to see the attack on the brother that initially turns him into one mix together laughs with some solid blood splatter. The later scenes at the house where they battle the hunter trying to stake his brother continues that kind of goofiness and genuine genre action, while the scenes involving the female crew coming together to stop them from getting the upper hand provide some rather fun times. The finale, where he races to get his captured mother out of their compound while the vampires try to kill them off, has a lot of fun graphic battles ends this on a high note with a lot of fun action and a nice bit of blood-spray in the graphic kills to both human and vampire to give this quite a lot to like. There isn't much to dislike with this one, but it does have a few minor problems. The main drawback here is the films' sudden decision to suddenly turn the brotherly relationship into a growth experience between the two which feels incredibly out-of-place here. The sudden decision to turn this whole thing into a growing experience as a means of how they originally got separated and brought back together again just doesn't have the same interest level as it comes out of nowhere with very little point to doing this. As well, the confusing nature of the finale where the introduction of random characters and some jarring revelations for several characters that makes no sense for the sake of creating light-hearted action on display which is quite a big letdown. Along with some cheesiness due to the attempt at comedy that might not be readily accepted by most out there, these are the only real issues to be had here.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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