Batman: The Enemy Within (2017 Video Game)
The choice is yours
11 March 2022
Wow I forgot how incredibly good this game is. It's another from the telltale series that amazed me with their early episodes of the walking dead. I went back and played this one because I'd just recently watched the new Batman film with the riddler. Now the Riddler is one of my favourite villains from Batman's rogues gallery. Much like the first game the choices you make effect the outcome of certain scenarios within the game. I consider these to be more interactive episodes than a full on video game, which is fine especially if you have a love for the material. So what's good about this game? It has a cinematic look which very few games had at the time whilst following a very compelling narrative. Possibly up there for being one of the best story telling games of all time. I'd even go as far as to saying it is plausible to view it as one of the best Batman related stories of all time. Also I'd imagine Matt Reeve's must've took so influence from this source material. Even though this can continue from the previous game it isn't essential, however much like the first game Batman/Bruce has to solve crimes, form allies and make clear cut decisions which could effect his relationships alongside the outcome. It's a series of five episodes an adaption never seen in the gaming industry for Batman fans before. Now there are a variety of different versions in the mythology of Batman therefore, depending on which is most compelling to you this telling has its strong points. Tory Baker is a great Batman and Bruce although he never gets the recognition of Kevin Conroy. Compared with the first games story I'd say this one probably has more depth without the twist, whereas the first game kept me guessing on who Lady Arkham was. Riddler starts as off fast paced with intriguing puzzles along the way and well thought up mechanical traps. Robin Atkin Downes does a honourable job with Riddler, although I never felt like I could feel sympathy for him or he could be rehabilitated. Catwoman voiced by Laura Bailey however, appears to have compassion for Edward Nigma after getting mixed up with him and uncovering a higher truth of who is really pulling the strings. The modern Riddler is much like saw in the way he believes he is doing righteous work to corrupt people. I must say Laura Bailey's portrayal alongside fantastic character animation is one of my favourite versions of catwoman. Leaving Batman/Bruce unsure which characters to trust you make the decisions on who's cards to hold dearest. Will you choose Amanda Waller or James Gordon? The John Doe joker story kept me patient eagerly awaiting for his true colours to show, even so I don't feel like this is the strongest version of the Joker. Harley Quinn I found really obnoxious compared with previous takes on the character. She seemed less fun and way too serious as well as being more levelheaded than previous takes although I feel that is what they were going for. Not the mentally ill Harley so much. Harley calls a lot of the shots in this game which is okay but can leave you feeling she is the strongest antagonist throughout the majority of it!
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