a bit over-dramatised
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After finishing watching this movie, i could not help but wonder if in a novel original, if there is one, or perhaps in the conceptualisations of the writer / re-namer for western audiences, there was a catholic-values ATTEMPT, to pose a only-their-way layer-of-reality over reality, inamongst the commonality of sometimes but sometimes-not , the societal value of honesty in inflammatory situations,

which without having missed the point,

such as the confession method,

can ALSO be MIS-used to falsely validate falsities AS-TRUTH, when society or authority pretends as though things like character of-a-person can be trusted over individuals self-interest , when the pressure is on.

Although it is a nice dream, WERE we all to alwasy be honest, the cold hard reality that we are not, undermines this fantasy on the part of the endless billions of well-wishers wishing that RELIABILITY could come, from systematic advice / guidance,..

... compared to coming-FROM, things like forensics, new technology ( like in some scenes mid-way through the film where the dad is taking extra precautions as he's destroying evidence ) , and the fear of it ... or things like internet securities, and more recently, hackers acting for things much less sterotypically than they used to - hackers in movies, used to be little other than characters like the Boris character out of James Bond, or pffff ... worse along those lines - little more than hyper-reactive, hyper-over-thinking greedy, peverted, breakaways with no plans for their future.

REAL WORLD things like the exposE of the Panama-papers, has shown humanity what we CAN do,

what the little-guy can do,

OUTSIDE, of fear-based portrayals of the 'futility of trying to escape justice' developed in times without anything coming even close, to modern forensics, or anything like hackers,

the medieval / whenever equivalent is perhaps a spy, or infiltrator,

and UNlike what convoluted 'power-play' up to their eyeballs in it hypocrytical gangster characters that have diversified all over the world in film, from ethinically and culturally predjudist sterotypes of italians, etc, in the 1920s? - 1940s? ... cannot be honestly said to be what is AIMED FOR with confessional-systems,..

were one to, the whole mountain of counter-arguments and anti-fascist-catholic efforts put in over the centuries looms-close as soon as one errs in their rediculous boasting and over-estiamtions of it's reliability,..

things like hacking, is now creating a DIS-advantageous environment,.. AGAINST, the uber-criminal masterminds of times gone by in especially fantasy, where then of the past, FEAR , is now not-enough, and there are far more ppl willing to let the blade fall, and gamble on innocents then taken-along with a purge when framed by fraud, or false-evidence, etc,

compared to the then not-willing-to-sacrifice-the-few-for-the-sake-of-the-purge-greater-good , not-facing the consequences hacker, who can do it REMOTELY.

It has become a REALITY, for organised crime, that they now cannot rely on ppl involved, being anywhere NEAR, any suffering they can create.

Ironically, then,

much wisdom about suffering,

both coming from genuinly hopeful leaders, AND fear-reliant criminals, white-collar included,

are BOTH, being denied their continued environment of reliability of stifling conversation & debate, if not also social-opposition/reaction ... as well as being forced to have to address perhaps the religious equivalent of omniprescence in it's primitive days of mobile phone captures.

By the time integrated cynerbetics is commonplace,

they will be further pressured,

and if i'm any good at guess at it, will probably keep trying to rely on countries local-laws self-determinism laws, to get around their responsibility of EXPORTS,.. what they create and sell, to tourists, etc.

How humans SOCIALLY react to that, legally or otherwise,

will not become some kind of proof of mutual-respect, make no mistake.

It is temporary, in MIS-used systems.


A bit like that,

i couldn't help but feel that this film, mmm,

kept-it-simple, i suppose,

but maybe for it's scope, that was fine - the plot ( based off a true story? ) WAS limited in context, so i guess that's ok,

taking on too much and having political actors turning it into some other kind of film would've ruined it.


mmmm ... something ... im not sure what i'm noticing,..

perhaps some kind of creeping into Buddist regional film, catholic confessional FALSE PROMISES,

in some form.

BE WARNED, take it from this barbarian,

thier false-promises of reliability, have ALRAEDY been exposed for all to see,

in their hypocrisies and absurd fantasies, while those ACTUALLY committed to justice whether judicial or not,

go their own ways in being a part of those who spill blood. So be it. The cowardice of those that lie about what being nothing-but-peaceful all the time, creates, turn a blind eye, to when the abscence of martial or protectorative PRESCENCE in society, capacity,.. leaves it vulnerable to most if not all threats that will use violence.

That catch-22 of acceptance of the need for societal authority , that is a diffcult pill to swallow for many, is something that also, in time, should dwindle, when investigating white-collar crime will also become more facilitated ( at least socially) , and systems THAT VALUE SOCIAL VALUE,

will retain the wisdom in their choosing, over LIMITED social-planning absurdities under-religion, with it's own editing and filtering of the consequences of what it creates ( with some exceptions for usualy simple-religions or spiritualisms that do not involve themselves in social-control or social-predicates )


Something like that :D


While some watching this movie will think of themselves as blessed 'by-their-shepard',

i think of myself as blessed by cynicism, by doubt, by caution, by truth,

not by ideals that will never eventuate, and have always BEEN lies,

mostly to keep children more easily able to sleep at night.

If you prefer for your children to BE ALERT,

then do not protect them to the point that they become hopelessly vulnerable,

then trapping yourselves into MAINTAINING the falsities that have either kept them hidden from seeing the world, or from seeing their own future, based off how they're thinking they can interact with it.

I don't mind saying at all, i didn't spare a thought for the son killed in this movie, nor felt much for the parents at the Stupa near the end,

he and his kind are a symptom ... a TEMPORARY symptom, and are being societally undermined as we live and breathe right now in 2022 ... and have been for decades - both genetic research and social research continues UNIMPEDED, by hopefuls and dreamers wanting to travel back in time for their dissapointment,.. and contrary to what some will tell you , we ALREADY 'COMMIT' ( choose ) to test babies for serious abnormalities, so we can minimise suffering and otherwise further budening on society by letting supposedly-ONLY, nature, when it is not ONLY nature anymore, create what 'it' will, create.

Agent Orange,.. was not nature.

Nuclear power, and bombs' testing (mostly), in both the USSR and the USA, and everywhere else ... posioning the locals, was never "nature"

in the same way, that we still seem to've forgotten to truly tell the difference between integral animals, and hypocrytical humans, that say that animals are worse then-they.



things from past-times where observations that might've USED TO'VE BEEN valid,

in the 21st century, is a hopeless joke.

In reality, only the deluded are pretending old values will be all will need.

If that kind of thing was supposedly reliable,

ooooh soo generous donators that kept their billions in hidden bank accounts in the Caymans ... would've been protected by your god,

but they weren't.

The hackers weren't struck down by lightning,

your-god ... was so easily defeated ... by fat guys wearing My little Pony T-shirts ... eating cheesy-poofs ... and drinking coke.

What a joke. Where is your god?


Some of that has a closeness to European religious exports, rather than Buddhist, sorry,

but the point is ... similar to WHEN ... are evil-doers supposed to be suffering, when various buddas are supposed to be manifesting punishment?

Pffff... punishment needs to happen NOW.

The punishment and prevention, facilitated by the murder of the boy in this film,

should not have to be DONE BY THE FAMILY.

I.e. WHO does it, who gets the credo, who gets the kudos, who gets the honor.

Or, ideally

your society prevents them from re-emerging ... the cliques are DENIED their privacy,

the private-societies have their doors kicked in, and all the hypocrytes hung up to dry like Musolini or whoever else.

A bit part of how the failures of ordinary man,

add up ... build up ...

is a part of WHEN types of politics emerge, that take a at least partially reasonable cynical-approach towards the public, or BOTH private societies AND the public, when both are guilty of different failures at different times.

INDIVIDUALIST failures, like in the boy in this film,

are waaayyyyyy outside what is usually of only minor failures of common folk, compared to WHEN police USUALLY take something more seriosuly than littering or shouting in traffic.

This film, mmm,

does contextualise a abborent TIME, when they might act more than usual,

compared to their normal prioritisations, to ignore most things common folk do, comapred to organised crime.

A better wider-scope film to watch AFTER this one,

is one where policing/authority is cracking down on white-colar crime, and insufficient ... who's-policing-the-police ... or 'mutual powers of investigation' , as has been coined.

I don't usually defend ANYthing from the USA,

but 'mutual powers of investigation', seem likely to stay as a concept, even if the USA's gone backward in USING them.
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