It's a Woody Allen Kung-Fu Movie
17 February 2022
Imagine if Nineteen-Seventies' Woody Allen made a hip New York City comedy about a turf war between Mafia wise guys and kung-fu Triad gangsters fighting for control of... (wait for it) condiments. Throw in a clueless but sincere Chinese boy who wants to become an Italian wise guy so the girl he loves will love him back. Now welcome a cast of classic gangster-movie tough guys pitted against legendary Chinese kung-fu movie stars. "Made in Chinatown" writer/producer Mark Wiley is my close friend, a frequent business associate over the years, and I was briefly cast as the Commissioner in this movie. Even so, cineastes, enjoy this show, which is smart as a whip and gloriously corny all at once, and introduces, in Mark Wiley, a major new talent. Kirk out.
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