The 2nd of the Worst
16 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This kicked off the 2nd in the series of worst sequels to Howling & Howling 2. After Howling 2, the series went downhill fast. Howling 2 was bad but it was good bad in that everything that was bad about it was also hilariously funny/good & entertaining. This movie was not that. It flat out stunk!

A woman & her sleazy husband or boyfriend move to a small town for I don't know why because it was too boring to pay attention to. Nothing happens for the first 1 hour 29 minutes of the film. This is a werewolf movie but you don't see any werewolves for the first 1 hour 29 minutes of the film. You're only aware that a werewolf is present or had attacked by the "actors" telling you so. This drags on relentlessly with boring, idiotic, incoherent, ridiculous dialogue; appalling camera work; cardboard stiff acting that makes you cringe; laughable scattered plots; and utter nothingness.

Then in the last 5 minutes of the movie the husband/boyfriend starts to melt! He starts turning into a liquid pile of goo. Nowhere in the previous 1 hour 29 minutes of the film has anyone else ever melted. He melts & wiggles around in a puddle of gray goo for about 3 minutes, the camera cuts away to show some old woman in a pathetic "old wrinkly man" Halloween mask holding out her arms in a Frankenstein stance chanting "satan calls you, satan calls you".

The camera pans around & you see several other townspeople wearing similar plastic Halloween masks also chanting "satan calls you, satan calls you". The camera cuts back to the melting husband and you see the first in the movie of a werewolf head. Apparently he melted then rose out of the puddle of goo as a werewolf.

His wife & some other woman, whose presence & reason for being there was never explained (or maybe I zoned out), start running around. The unknown/useless woman goes to a barn, starts ringing a bell, a pack of German Shepherd dogs with red eyes start running to the barn & jump through the window. The wife stuffs a rope or cloth into a car gas tank & lights it with a kerosene lamp & the barn blows up & catches fire. No, don't even begin to ask me how that caused an entire barn to blow up.

The German Shepherds have now turned into people in a semi state of changing into goo monsters & 1 albino white werewolf. They are burned along with the other woman who rang the bell. The husband falls out of the fire burnt to a crisp & the wife stands there calling his name over & over like she's expecting a burnt 10th degree burns dead man to answer her & get up. Then a man in another "old wrinkly man" Halloween mask growls through the fire & the wife screams. The credits roll.

That's all the action this movie had & it only occurred during the last 5 minutes of the movie. However, this movie contained absolutely zero horror.

This movie was a mess from start to finish. It was unorganized, incoherent, suffered from bad script & no plot, lacked character development, riddled with horrifically bad acting, had shoddy camera work, zero production quality, laughable SFX & makeup, brain dead actors who clearly had no idea what was going on or what was happening next, SAG card revoking directing or lack thereof, & just plain boring hot mess.

I was bored stiff trying to get through this & knew after 20 minutes that there would be no payoff in the end & boy was I right.

Grade: -Z.
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