Secret State (2012)
How did I miss this??
7 February 2022
Despite the fact that Secret State is exactly the kind of political thriller I love to while away the hours with, I somehow missed its release.

Now, ten years later, I find myself glad that I did, as I recently got to spend a fascinating evening with this intriguing thriller.

To anyone interested in how government and big business interact, this is certainly eye opening, and even though many of us will be too cynical to be surprised by many of the idea's expressed, the technical and tactical elements of politics that are depicted in this show should leave us all feeling a little more informed ... ... and afraid ... Very, very afraid!

The story telling is also fantastic, but be warned; you have to pay attention! (This is from the guy who had to watch Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 3 times, so don't feel patronized).

The ending is definitely a little ambiguous.

The phrase "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention" seems to have relevance to me, but at the same time, it's left open to interpretation and you may well have a different read on it, because it's left open to your idea of what a happy ending is.

Lastly, the casting in this, from top to bottom, is perfect! Normally, when reviewing something, there are a couple of standout performances, but everyone in this does their job so well that it's difficult to pick out a star.

Thoroughly entertaining

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