Night Train to Murder (1984 TV Movie)
An enjoyable farce, if imperfect
12 January 2022
One need not be familiar with Morecambe and Wise to enjoy this film, though it's also well worth noting that 'Night train to murder' boasts other idiosyncrasies that surely impact viewership. As one should well expect, it's a very British sense of humor on hand, including quips and references of a cultural and contemporary historical nature that mean some of the comedy here just won't land outside a very particular audience. There's something to be said for a feature that inherently struggles with broad appeal through different times and places - but then, this also knows and tells us very plainly what it is, with no pretense otherwise. And at that, the core of the title is built on more generalized precepts: send-ups of renowned books, movies, or TV shows; absurdism, wordplay, and witty repartee; upended expectations, and touches of physical comedy to taste.

There are some rough patches in the feature at times, whether as a matter of a joke overstaying its welcome, slack pacing, excessive reliance on references, or otherwise. Moreover, some of the humor is based on nigh-cartoonish levels of silliness that may be a bit much for some to abide. There's also no mistaking that the production values leave a bit to be desired, accordingly a significant bump in the road at the time this was being made and released - and heightening the air of artifice about it all. Still - much more so than not, however, 'Night train to murder' is fun and entertaining - cleverly written, and finely executed. Everyone in the cast gives strong, animated performances full of personality and poise, tailored purely to the irreverence and frivolity on display. Even for viewers not distinctly familiar with British TV or movies, there are some unexpected and recognizable names and faces here, and it's a joy to watch them all. Why, to that point, I stumbled across this owing to Lysette Anthony's prominent role, and I'm pleased to see her so ably inhabit the part.

It's also worth noting admirable consideration for all the little details that round out the production. Filming locations, set design and decoration, hair and makeup, and costume design are plainly fetching. Notable care went into the sound design, and beyond the writing, the orchestration of each scene is also terrific. I rather must say I had mixed expectations before I began watching, and even as the feature started playing. In fairness, it's hardly perfect, and I find I want to like it more than I do; there's just no getting around some of the indelicacies as they present. Yet for a feature that could have easily gone much more wrong in many more ways, I simply had a good time. At length - it's no revelation, but if a "good time" is all that 'Night train to murder' can claim, then that's enough for me.
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