Good movie, but not true to history
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie and was surprised by it. For once, Americans are the bad guys and depicted as Hollywood typically treats Germans, Russians, Arabs.... or anybody not aligned with US interests.

To me, the biggest problem was to announce in the opening titles that the movie is "based on true events" mixing real historic characters with fictitious ones, and events that never happened or that happened very differently. It is like if Rambo would also indicate in the opening titles "based on true events".

Most of the characters in the movie are fictitious. Tina Bazooka was a real one (there is even a beer that has her name) buy her death was very different than the one depicted in the movie.... to the point that she actually relocated to the US years after the events in 1965, and died when back to DR, at an old age.

Also, as critical as you can be of US interventions, Americans would have not been directly involved in the "dirty" aspects of the war. For sure they would have had a group of local operatives do most of the dirty job, as it was done throughout South America in the 70's .

No doubt, the prostitutes' from the brothel would have received Americans and their dollars with open (hands?). A brothel is probably the least realistic scenario for the depicted resistance events, which other than the background revolution and US invasion and intervention are fabrications and not very credible or historic.

As it is the norm these days, men are the bad guys, women the heroines, and there are several openly gay characters.

If this had been a completely fictional movie, I would have given it an 8/10. Due to the mix of history and fiction and some exaggerations/ stereotypes, I am giving it a 6/10.
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