The police, to serve and protect, that was the oath you took... So who took Johnny?
30 December 2021
As a documentary Who Took Johnny is probably not the best made documentary but the story itself is just very interesting to watch. But not only interesting, also disturbing and mostly disgusting. Disturbing to know there are still pedophiles (I can't call them people) thinking what they're doing is normal behavior. And disgusting to know there are men of the law (if you can call them like that) that refuse to investigate the obvious. I've never had a high opinion of police (don't forget, to serve and protect is what you signed for, so at least do an attempt to do that) and this documentary won't help their case. I have respect for the mother, Noreen Gosch, who shows what it is to never give up. If it was my case I would probably already be dead or in jail. Just because you can't prove aything with this documentary, it's still obvious there is an "elite" that thinks they are above the law and can get away with the most disgusting behavior possible, think about Epstein (yeah, really nobody believes he hanged himself in prison) and his "best" friends (some made it even to president of the USA). America is sick, and there's nobody willing to cure it, because there's a cure and that's a guillotine in the town square. Who took Johnny is a sad story, with some truths, probably some lies too, but you can't just comprehend in what kind of sick society we're living.
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