Titane (2021)
Regardless of whether you like it or dislike it, you probably won't forget it
27 December 2021
Titane is a lot, and while I can't claim to know exactly what I just watched, I can tell it was about a lot, and every topic and theme it did tackle throughout its bizarre and unique premise was very interesting, to say the least.

It's compelling throughout, shot well, has two strong lead performances, and some imagery that's very memorable, for better or worse.

The less I describe the plot the better, because I'd sound like a crazy person if I tried. You can always tell what's going on at a base level, but the premise itself - and the events of the narrative - are wild and unhinged.

Saw it at the theatres by myself- there's no one I could think of that would be into it, and I didn't really want to subject family/friends to something I'd heard was pretty messed up. There were a couple of older people at the cinema who made shocked noises every time something violent/weird happened, which was pretty often.

I might've preferred Ducournau's previous film Raw a little more (which might not be a popular opinion), but this was a strong follow up, and will prove to be one of 2021's most memorable films.

(Also loved hearing Future Islands in the soundtrack during one important scene. They're a great band)
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