Mutant Hunt (1987 Video)
Lo-fi as can be...
25 December 2021
Just look at the stuffily robotic cyborgs sporting black sunnies, and dripping gooey fluids down their faces. But still, it's brimming with low-budget charm thanks to director Tim (The Kindred) Kincaid's vision.

The simple minded plot doesn't go beyond its junky set-pieces, but the script can throw out a few crazy ideas and an amusing line of dialogue here or there ("space shuttle sex massacre"). Towards the backend you can tell a bit a money went into the FX, especially the design of one particular mutant cyborg. It looks impressive for this type of film. Another highlight was the better than expected music score, which suitably overwhelms many scenes providing a persistent energy to a lot of the clumsy beat 'em up encounters and a dirt cheap atmosphere gives vibes of a decaying futuristic 21st century New York City. Also there are some nice distinctive shots too involving background lighting, and shadows as it's mainly set about at night.

In the end, while on the cheap and light on narrative drive. 'Mutant Hunt' stuck to its strengths and was an entertainingly pleasant surprise.

P.s And no the film never comes close to that amazing poster artwork.
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