Bland Christmas trees
1 December 2021
Absolutely adore Christmas and Hallmark have done some above decent and more Christmas films over the years. As well as a fair share of misfires. 2021 was a typically inconsistent year for Hallmark in all their seasonal blockings, but considering the circumstances it turned out quite a lot better than expected. Part of me was expecting all the 2021 films of theirs to be mediocre or below but quite a lot were the opposite. Exactly the same with its 2020 output too.

'You Me and Christmas Trees' is a not particularly good start to the 2021 Countdown to Christmas block and did make me feel that the Christmas films that year were going to be pretty low in quality. The good news is that not all of them were below average, but as far as Hallmark's 2021 Countdown to Christmas films go, 'You Me and Christmas Trees' is one of the weaker ones. When it comes to the two leads, Benjamin Ayres is dependable in the right role and is one of the better things about the film but Danica McKellar (despite being one of the most popular regulars) shows why not all her typecast performances come off.

There are good things about 'You Me and Christmas Trees'. Ayres does a good job with what he's given, it is a typical role but one he performs with subtle charisma, easy charm and honesty. Did like his character, no overblown character flaws and not too perfect as well as some growth obvious.

It is a very nicely filmed film too and has beautiful scenery. The music isn't overused or melodramatic, which is good as that can be a failing with Hallmark. The supporting cast try their best with their material.

McKellar for my tastes tries too hard, it is a role that she does a lot (hence what is meant by typecasting) with varied success (sometimes charming, at other times bland) and she never looks relaxed and comes over as too manic. Complete with too many awkward moments early on. Didn't care for her somewhat tired character, who is not really fleshed out enough and is too much of one dimension. She and Ayres have moments of decent chemistry, but on the whole it is too subdued and is paced unevenly. Rather aimless for too much of the length and then any progression is unrealistically rushed.

While the supporting cast do competently but not exceptionally, Jason Hervey is another over-compensator in a role that is written as too much of a cliched cartoon. It is so at odds with the rest of the film and it was like he had walked onto the wrong set. Too much of the dialogue is too cheesy and schmaltzy, and the flow in the first half is not natural. A lot of the story badly drags, and it is also very slight and predictable for most of the length. Some of the later plot developments like the underwritten and forced conflict is rushed and not developed enough. The ending is too easy.

Concluding, lacklustre start to the 2021 Countdown to Christmas block. 4/10.
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