The Snake Pit (1948)
Unwatchable Now Like Many 'Message' Movies
20 November 2021
Wow, the 'patients' lay on the ham so thick it is unintentionally hilarious and even worse fake, fake, fake. The REAL author of the screenplay, Arthur Laurents, who got swindled out of his credit watched the studio stick on its cloying 'epiphany' ending. The crucial role of de Haviland's husband was a real piece of wood even though his role was VITAL. The 'motor' behind her madness was to have been an incestuous father but this could not even be hinted at. Frankly, Olivia de Haviland is not a great actress, (except The Heiress) but rather an accomplished and limited movie star. I love her at her best but her one-note 'sweetness' never really changes into anything else. The psychology is oddly unconvincing - this is an essential to such a film.
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