'Bas... Motivation Mil Gaya' Seriously?!??
14 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Apart from KK Menon and Vinay Pathak, this mini series became unbearable. I forced myself to watch this only due to lack of half a decent Hindi content. This further confirmed the dearth of watchable stuff.

There were SO many technical blunders for an espionage based series, it was as if they didn't bother hiring a consultant.

(Spoilers ahead)

Maninder getting into beast fighting mode after being hung upside down for a week, landing a complete operation cleanup and walking away with a ramp worthy strut. Just like how he did after his first assignment.

Too many times these 'trained' agents turned their backs on targets who were pinned down or felt no need to keep an eye out for leftovers. Hostages/Prisoners being transported untied?!? Mole recruitment being done within the earshot of the medical attendent? Family calls being taken while your partner is out in the field??

Gun toting fellow casually blinking eyes as if being fully assured that the script won't allow for any turning of the tables. And when the table indeed was turned by Himmat kaka on Maninder model, it was with such composure that would have befitted a sloth. The 'motivation mil gaya' guy, who went super Jason Bourne back in the day, couldn't take a worthy shot at the fleeing Desi Bond.

Vijay taking the bullets after the last supp... Err smile, was the epitome of following the script to the T. The tear jerking scene with revelation of the lady love being the traitor seemed like the homage to slack riddled, half baked attempts from the 60s and 70s. Battle hardened agent welling up with tears as well... Just can't shed the urge to slip in that Desi melodrama. Got to cater to the generation damaged by kekta kapoor and KJo too.

The Chadda and Bannerjee duo were reduced to cardboard characters, and instead of comic relief all there was to see were absolute caricatures. Started to feel sorry for those actors after a point.

As if all this was not enough, the much apparent (and lazy) choreographed fight sequence of 'all smiles for the camera' Farooq making it to the final cut, followed by the ridiculously late dawning that something was amiss on the phone call... We all felt the pinch of the script along with the usually sharp Mr Himmat Singh.

There were so many other scenes as well (just how was Himmat moving his badly sprained hand so dextrously that was bandaged a few hrs back... while using/holding a fork at that??) , but I would spare myself the agony of recalling everything there was to endure.

The director has such slack in his other projects consistently as well. Just can't deliver a tightly woven product. Pity.
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