Great concept...
16 October 2021
...atrocious execution.

The one you're with tell the story of a man and a woman who get stuck living together after a first date when a national state of emergency strikes. It's a concept with so much space to move, huge potential and high release date relevance. It's the kind of concept that should have made it an instant cult classic.

Unfortunately the way the female lead was written can only have someone conclude C. Bailey Werner (aka Chad Werner) has never actually spent any real, quality time with a woman. Every interaction between the characters is disingenuous in the most tedious of ways.

Characters have a tendency to change their personalities completely from scene to scene, and there are no consequences from negative interactions in previous scenes. This creates inconsistent, unrealistic characters that are impossible to relate to, and zero stakes to invest the viewer in.

The one you're with, is a movie that tries way to hard instead of just being itself. The woke jokes are clumsy or worse go completely unnoticed.

A complete waste of your time, and an insult to everyone. Give this one a miss.
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