Review of Jackpot

Jackpot (1960)
Sometimes You Lose By Winning
8 October 2021
George Mikell spent three years in prison and was then deported for a job they never got his associates on. Now he's back in London to collect wife Betty McDowall and his money from the job from Eddie Byrne. Both tell him no, so he collects retired safecracker Michael Ripper and breaks into Byrne's safe. On the way out, Mikell shoots and kills a constable. Now he's got the police after him in the person of William Hartnell.

It's a well-scripted, dirty little crime drama from Montgomery Tully. It's also done so cheaply that it might have been shot for television: lighting, sets, even the way the fights are staged are identical to TV production. The sound is considerably better, but that's almost certainly a matter of the recording medium. Still, for 67-minute B, it moves along at a good clip.
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