Space: 1999: Catacombs of the Moon (1976)
Season 2, Episode 13
The Irony Episode
17 September 2021
Episode opens with Dr. Russell intoning blah blah blah and it's been 1,000 some odd days since the moon left earth orbit. Yet somehow the plot revolves around Patrick & Michelle, a married couple whom we've never seen before, despite there only being 311 people (or less) on Alpha. Never mind! Because the point here is Patrick isn't merely devoted to Michelle, he's utterly besotted with his angelic wife.

Thus making it all the more curious why Tony choose this episode to make a bold sartorial statement by rocking a "wifebeater". Yes, a wifebeater: the classic sleeveless undershirt representing trailer park elegance and timeless misogyny. No matter, Tony's got the guns out even when there can't be any sun out.
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