In one word, THRILLING! One of the greatest Storytelling I've ever seen for a documentary and One of those Documentaries you Must Watch before you die.
12 September 2021
The Great White Silence (1924) : Brief Review -

In one word, THRILLING! One of the greatest Storytelling I've ever seen for a documentary and One of those Documentaries you Must Watch before you die. When i saw Robert Flaherty's 'Nanook Of The North' (1922), i thought i am done watching great documentaries of old time. I had already heard about 'The Great White Silence' even then but i kept skipping it for some reasons and Today when i am done watching it, I feel ashamed of myself. Nanook Of The North wasn't the end, here is great next chapter in the documentaries world. So, it contains brief cinematograph sequences taken during the Terra Nova Expedition of 1910-1913. The principal filmmaker was photographer Herbert Ponting. The Terra Nova Expedition was an effort, by governments and concerned citizens of what was then the British Empire, to plant the Union Jack on the South Pole by means of men, ponies, dogs, and primitive snowmobiles hauling sledges from a base located on the Antarctic coastline. The documentary portrays expedition leader Robert Falcon Scott and his ship, the Terra Nova, and men as they leave Lyttelton, New Zealand, to sail into the Southern Ocean and its ice floes. This restored version (2011) was in so good quality and the background score was so thrilling that it looked better than many thriller genre classics of 40s and 50s decades. I was hooked to it, i didn't move for a second and i was so immersed into it that i forget i am watching a documentary that released 97 years ago. What a beautiful storytelling it was. The intertitles are so well written and has that narrative values to make a Normal footage as interesting as any feature film. This is a Must See stuff, no matter how old it is and what some duffers have to say in review. You better experience it yourself than making a choice after somebody's review (including mine).

RATING - 8/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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