I Have Mixed Feelings About this Movie
27 August 2021
For the longest time I wanted to see the Princes and the Pea and I have to say after finally watching it's not exactly what I expected. I thought this was a decent film with good music and an intriguing storyline, but I felt it really lacked focus on Daria. She is supposed to be the main protagonist, but surprisingly this movie didn't focus enough on her as it should have and actually focused more on all the other characters who unlike Daria got actual screentime, focus and development. This was honestly the main fault that Daria didn't get more of a role in the film. It's called the Princess and the Pea, but should've been called something else since it severely lacked the actual Princess.

The characters who got the most focus were her love interest, father, villains and even the actual pea itself got more of a storyline and mystery than Daria herself ever did. It's a real shame. The wasted potential of a storyline involving a long lost princess with absolutely No Focus Whatsoever. No one even realized the truth or had even the slightest suspicions until the very end. I also think her love story with Rollo needed more development. I thought they were cute together, but even their romantic relationship was severely lacking. I felt a connection and some chemistry, but their relationship needed so much more work done.

Aside from this I did like all the characters, the songs were unique and quite beautiful and there were several times I did laugh and enjoy myself. Not to mention the action and suspense was exciting to watch and I think my favourite character was the crow. Honestly though I felt this was a decent film at best with a lot of potential, but I won't lie when I say it could've been better.
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