Beautiful and Touching Biography
17 August 2021
Nise da Silveira was a revolutionary Brazilian psychiatrist. Nise: The Heart of Madness aka Nise: O Coração da Loucura (2015) shows how she changed psychiatry and fought against the cruel treatments that were used in her time.

But before getting in the movie I'd like to tell you a little bit of her previous story, which the film doesn't cover. She graduated in Medicine in 1931. The only woman between 158 students. She was arrested during Estado Novo, Getúlio Vargas dictatorship, accused of having connections with Comunism. After struggling to have an opportunity, she was hired in Centro Psiquiátrico Nacional Pedro II and that's exactly the point where the movie begins.

Her story, the plot, is very interesting, beautiful and touching. I won't tell you what she did, I'll just say it's simple yet very smart. Not by chance got the attention and the support of Carl Gustav Jung, one of the most important physicians ever.

The screenplay is great, with memorable lines and scenes. Also, with a very enjoyable pace. The period of her life covered was cleverly chosen. Not big nor small. Enough to make a cohesive and engaging narrative.

Glória Pires is very recognized in Brazil, for movies and soap operas. She is a fantastic actress, very natural and realistic and nailed as Nise, giving the character seriousness but also charisma. The support actors were great too and I highlight the ones that portrayed patients. They made the movie very realistic with the semi-documentary feeling great biographies give.

In this path, the Costume Design and the Set Design helped a lot with the realism.

And the cinematography, scores and shots by Roberto Berliner made the movie even more beautiful, touching and worth watching.
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