What a great new take
4 August 2021
Wow! This film felt epic. Let's get the two main cons out of the way first: the film slogs a teeny bit in some places and some of the CGI still looks wonky. Outside of that, we have a film that focuses on heart instead of quips and guffaws. It also centers the story solidly on the "team" instead of just the two titular heroes from Batman V Superman.

There are so many minute changes, additions, tonal shifts that add up to a more solid, cohesive film. Whedon basically took an axe to the original and turned it into a near-campy mess. Snyder's brooding, troubled, heartfelt idea of what a superhero film should be.

Some other pros: gone is the sexualization of Wonder Woman, which the original Wonder Woman film tried so hard to dismantle. Whedon basically made a juvenile attempt to pander her to horny teen guys in his cut. Also back is the fantastic backstory and life of Cyborg, which in the Whedon cut was basically, "Eh, here's a dude who's Robocop." Whedon also tried to keep Cyborg's cartoon catch phrase "Booyah!" which has absolutely no place in this movie. And finally, all members of the team ultimately earn respect through their actions, something that Whedon seemed to avoid in lieu of saying, "They're super heroes! Of *course* they're good guys." There are many more sub-surface demons the heroes fight in the Snyder cut.

In short: Whedon wanted to sell toys through cheesy one-liners; Snyder wanted to make an epic.
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