Blood Red Sky (2021)
Has an identity crisis, but an OK watch
23 July 2021
As a "frequent reviewer," which probably means I have too many opinions, and seeing that BLOOD RED SKY has no reviews on IMDb, I thought I'd suffer through the awful and be the first to post a warning. How surprised I was to enjoy this movie as much as I did.

Horror movie? Disaster movie? Action flick? Kinda sorta all of the above. And somehow, overall, it still works.

We've had snakes, spiders, zombies, and tons of hijackers on airplanes. Now we have vampires. Why not? Everything here is done competently enough. There aren't too many holes, that is, if you're predisposed to accept vampires to begin with, and the acting is good. Not great, but good.

The filmmakers don't just plop us down in a plane with a bloodsucker and shout action, either. They give us a backstory by way of flashbacks that actually make some sense and not only establish the female lead's character, but also allow us to have sympathy for her in spite of her status as a Nosferatu look alike.

Unfortunately, the filmmakers play on some stereotypes about Muslims and air travel that are overwrought and don't really further the plot. They also take a thoroughly unnecessary swipe at gay men/gay flight attendants that's right on the verge of inappropriate.

Nevertheless, vampire versus highjacker is something you don't see every day, and in spite of its identity crisis, this movie is still a fun watch.
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