Review of Bad Tales

Bad Tales (2020)
Steamy pile of ....
7 July 2021
Felt the urge of writing this review after reading the ludicrous positive reviews (whose genuinity I SERIOUSLY doubt).

This parody of a movie has no silver lining: script is trite, acting is amateurish in the wrong way, screenplay is made of banalities mumbled by the characters throughtout the whole movie.

As for the characters, I felt no interest whatsoever for their fate, even kids - who take most of the screentime - are so obnoxious you can't feel any empathy for their miserable lives.

Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a depressive/disturbing movie if it's well made or the actors deliver ("Biutiful" by Iñarritu is the perfect example of that), but this pile of manure has no artistic value, and despite clocking in at just 98 minutes it feels like it's neverending... avoid at all cost!
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