Black Summer (2019–2021)
Some the greatest cinematography, acting and editing ever to bad they forgot to hire a writing and directing team
20 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Everything looks great, shots are long easy to follow and give the viewer a fantastic idea of the local environment, your rarely left confused as to which room or building you are in or where each character is. The stunt co-ordination for action scenes is top notch, no obvious extras randomly flailing to look busy, no shaky cam or crossing the 180 degree line to confuse everyone.

Where it falls short is the writing, the world building and character actions especially. The world makes little sense, there seems to be way more healthy humans than zombies, fully stocked grocery stores, weeks or months into an apocalypse, complete with electric motion sensor doors. Wounds are super inconsistent one guy might bleed out from a bullet hitting an artery in his leg, as you would expect, while another does a week long hike, survives a fist fight, fleeing from zombies etc.. with an untreated bullet wound in his gut and suffers only a slight cough.

Characters are mind numbingly stupid, constantly dropping or leaving behind weapons and supplies for no reason. Leaving lights on, windows and doors open and unlocked, sitting around awkwardly staring at each other, when they could be securing the building, sleeping or packing supplies. We see them score consecutive headshots on humans at decent ranges, but seem to always aim at the zombies torsos.

Then theirs the dialogues and boy they might be the worst ive ever seen, generally characters will spend minutes just sitting and staring at each other, and i don't mean we cut to a few minutes later, no, we are subjected watching them do nothing for minutes at a time. In fact, the entirety of episode 7 is just silently following characters around, watching them sleep, have dinner and talk absolute nonsense.

90% of their issues would have been solved if they just communicated, but then the lazy ass writers wouldn't be able to crowbar in the drama of people turning on each other arbitrarily.

This feels like alot of very skilled people from the more technical side of filmmaking got together and made a movie, utterly ignoring the importance of story and characters. If this was a game i would call it a tech demo. Something that will look good on the cameramans resume, but hardly a finished show.
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