Another Earth (2011)
A Hidden Blue Gem in the Indie Sky...
14 June 2021
A sad, tragic, yet beautiful story that takes its time and leaves you thinking, crying, wondering...

Firstly, the directing, the acting, it's all solid as could be. The main actress, Brit, is a severely underrated actress who I feel has so much in her expressions that I'm seriously in astonishment I haven't seen her rise to Oscar level performances in some of the best movies being made these days. What happened to her and why isn't she being cast in like every movie? Anyways, her expression, her ability to act, was just what really carried the movie for me.

Aside from her excellent acting, the story was hard hitting. Every move she made, every decision she made, I could totally see her doing. Yes it's too hard to apologize, so you make up a little lie. Yes you want to make someone's life better. Yes you dream of what could be on the other Earth. It all made so much sense. The time she finally revealed to him who she was... wow... it was such a moment I'll never forget.

And of course, I can't not comment on the amazing science fiction concept. The idea of another Earth popping into existence, and then everything after that being different... going on a different trajectory.. it's kind of a mind blowing idea. What if that happened, how would we react? I think the movie portrayed it somewhat realistically and I could see an Elon Musk type finding people to go on the journey to the planet who might fit into the other Earth like a missing puzzle piece.

The film never goes too far or says anything too loudly. It's all done in this way that keeps you imagining, wondering, what might be...

Anyways, I could totally give this a ten out of ten. Not many films make me tear up but this one did multiple times... that plus the low budget sci-fi and great acting and thought provoking... it all just adds up for me.... But I feel it's more of a nine out of ten. Not quite sure what the slightly missing element is... maybe the two earths would have contacted eachother sooner than four years... maybe that's what bugged me slightly... but alas, it's a small nit pick.

I've seen this movie twice now, and it was more enjoyable on the second watch.

Do I recommend this to everyone? Not really. I just think it's a movie I personally love. That I'd proudly add to my Blu Ray collection. It's not for everyone... the pace is slow, there are few characters, and maybe it's a bit Indie... but I liked all of that personally. The character study and brilliant performance of the worlds most underrated actress who I really wish would have kept going and going into more movies. Anyways, maybe see it if you like Sci-fi thinkers that are slow paced and fine tuned...

Beautiful beautiful story. 9/10.
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