Sitting in Limbo (2020 TV Movie)
Immaculate performance, emotional ordeal
23 May 2021
Year 1948. Post-WWII era.. British government invited around 500+ workers from Jamaica to settle in UK to help rebuild their country. The first batch of those settlers embarked HMT Empire Windrush. Their offsprings are known as the Windrush generation in UK. In 2010, the Home office destroyed the landing cards of thousands of Windrush immigrants and in 2012, David Cameron's administration formed a committee called hostile environment working group that echoed a broader rancour towards migrants in the UK. As the local officers and managers kept hunting for 'low hanging fruit' (easy target), some 850 people were wrongly detained between 2012-17. And one of them was Anthony Bryan. This is his dramatic memoir of his ordeal. Patrick Robinson delivers a mature immaculate performance. An eye opening and thought provoking drama as often we turn a blind eye to the struggles and challenges that 'not legal' migrants face. As Amber Rudd, the Home Secretary who later resigned, apologized that this policy was a mistake and she said that she saw this only as an individual issue not as a systemic problem.. A must watch ..
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