Edge of Fear (2018)
Great.... As a comedy.
11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Genuinely not laughed this much at a film in awhile. To start the acting with the non prison break stars is laughably bad, the man who gets stabbed in the chest has some of the worst yet truly comical stumbling about from a knife wound I've ever seen. The sex on the bed while he hides under it and the bouncing bed almost hitting the knife in his chest is so funny is I was bordering on tears of laughter. Then he proceeds to enter the room where the woman is taking a shower and somehow doesn't bother with her and takes a few meds to ease his sore head. She jumps out the shower fully naked and kicks his little booty a few times before a well placed shin strike miraculously kills her. More comical stumbling down the stairs then a nice little speech from his wife while he sits and listens patiently. Our Macaulay culkin wannabe Spikes some drinks for fun and Sucre dies from poisoning in a way Vladimir Putin would be proud of. Now a man takes a walk in the woods and puts his phone on loud speaker so the guy from terminator can talk to the birds. Rambo hides under some grass then does a Michael Jackson dance when he gets up to celebrate hiding so well. He stumbles about doing a chicken dance some more before pepper spraying a random guy and stealing his car. He runs over Mr headshot who now can't hit a shot to save his actual life, he dies surprise surprise and now he gifts the bad guys the shiny new van he got for them, they accept and take his wife for sex later before driving away. Stab wound Rambo somehow gets a tractor and crashes it into the van, guys I'm honestly not making this up. This is what happens. Stabby boy turns into Bruce lee with a leg sweep before teabag shots mr terminator dead. Our "hero's" wife is tied up in the van and it's on fire just because. He now after the entire film takes out the knife from his chest and uses to cut the cords and free his wife before they jump out of the burning van doing a roly poly. They both survive and she's now pregnant and they visit "Michael Dwyers" grave before walking away to create more comedy somewhere else. The end. Action film with story 0/10 comedy value 10/10.
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