Review of Shag

Shag (1988)
This film is long overdue for a sequel to find out how these four (4) ladies and their boyfriends relationships have stood the test of time
5 May 2021
Although it has taken myself thirty two (32) long years to catch this film on the TCM (Turner Classic Movies) channel I really enjoyed the simplicity of the story line and the brilliant films' color that the film producers, Palace Pictures utilized. The soundtrack was a classic and rather than the typical storyline that evolves around young men, this particular jocular Romedy focuses on four (4) young ladies who take an adventurous trip by a convertible car to sunny Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to have some fun before one of the young ladies named Carson (Phoebe Cates) gets married although she has recently felt some second thoughts about her upcoming nuptials.

The other three (3) ladies fool Carson about where they are really going until their convertible drive is well underway and Carson realizes that her friends are taking her on a quasi bachelorette party. Each lady has her heart swept away by a man that they initially object to, but the young men are persistent and each of the four (4) ladies finds their destiny in a relationship they were not expecting.

The acting is exceptional and before you know it you will think that you are at. Myrtle Beach enjoying the sun, fun and music alongside this very wide range of youthful vigor dancing to the Shag.

If any of the original producers read my review I hope you are listening and are open to the idea of a sequel possibly set in the year of 2000 which would be thirty seven (37) years forward from when the original film was set in 1963. We could see if the eight characters are still together with their significant partner(s) and/or they have divorced and moved on with their lives and what does their future in the new millennium of 2000.look like?

I give Shag a highly effective 7 out of 10 IMDB rating for this Romedy film.
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