Mortal (2020)
Great basic story idea undermined by a very poor script
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Technically competent cast and production crew, great idea but hobbled by lazy scriptwriting--slow, monotone and repetitive with standard low-level meaningless dialogue.

Because it's set in Norway, within the first five minutes, it's very apparent to the viewer where this is headed but it takes its time getting there through characters who don't know what's going on, can't verbalize what they experience and how they feel about it, which yields sluggish, confused, vague dialogue. Adding to this are extended pauses, long fades and repetitive special effects. (It's relatively low-budget and, to their credit, at least they don't get overly ambitious with their limited effects so the cracks don't show too often.)

Our hero is basically a confused American in Norway (which, by the way, seems to dilute his destiny...I mean did he really have to be American? Everyone else is gets awkward.) He is a combination of The Hulk and Thor - emotionally erratic and not in control of new and raging powers. And, in this movie, everyone and every situation they put him in sets him off, so we're basically moving from one unlikely and totally avoidable uncontrollable rage-blast to another.

The acting's not bad, but the characters are stereotypical, dull-witted and swing into action as if on valium, often spurred by unjustified or unclear motivators. It's an origin story in which the actual origin triggering event is only vaguely alluded to. And, when our hero finally accepts his destiny and wields the mighty Mjolnir...he erupts in still-uncontrolled fury indiscriminately obliterating innocents as well a handful of his tormentors (so we are left to presume).

And ends! Very abruptly and without any real resolution.

Definitely not a "Great breath of fresh air" "a must-see!" "Spectacular" or "Best film of the year!"
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