Review of Free Byrd

Free Byrd (2021)
18 April 2021
Can someone tell the filmmakers responsible for this project to get a basic knowledge of the existence of things like Tripods, lights and more importantly how to focus the damn camera? The cinematography in this film is non-existent, it's like someone follows the actors around with what must be less capable than an iPhone. Completely horrendous. Amateur sub-par effort on virtually every setup and shot. It's painful and draws you away from being able to get involved in the story.

Two main actors do the best of a bad job, but with little pacing or character development, there's almost nothing here to Invest in.

The shots in the car while they are travelling, I have seen better executed by Police Detectives using hidden cameras in drug stings and murder for hire.

If you like cinema, or even want to watch a comedy then avoid this one. The jokes were few and far between, predictable and cliched.

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