Cold Prey III (2010)
Excellent Departure
12 April 2021
I've found the reviews of this film quite amusing and perplexing at the same time. I'm not sure what kind of "Horror Slasher Fans" are taking the time to lambast it but they obviously aren't the fans of this genre they think they are. I thought maybe the onslaught of torture/gore porn that has sullied the horror/slasher genre over the last decade or so could be to blame. Seems if you aren't dissecting the inners of victims over a 2 hour blood fest it's not considered "horror" by these folks anymore. Sad really that they can no longer enjoy real horror but only respond to visceral gore and malingering torture.

Now on to this film, having and loving the first two, I found this, despite it being a slight departure from classic slasher to survival slasher, AMAZING. Now realize I've got about 1100 dvd/blurays in my physical collection so far, 50% at least of which are horror/slasher variants. I found this film so satisfying in its defiance of expected tropes. In a classic slasher I've always expected the "core victim pool" to contain 1 or 2 smart characters and the rest cannon fodder meant to attain the eye-rolls and OMGs of us viewers in the "That was such a stupid move" department, it's expected. This movie gives you NONE of those and I'm so grateful. I found it such a joy to see a horror movie in which (Let's take "Final Girl" Amy Steel from Friday the 13th Part 2 as example) we got an ENTIRE core victim group (CVG) of Amy Steels. Though the backstory of our killer is short and I wish there had been more, it certainly explained the root of the problem to my satisfaction.

As I stated, this movie ventured into survival horror quite a bit, and I was astounded as how much I was rooting for EVERY member of the CVG, no "Killed by stupidity" here, the killer had to WORK for each victim took, and boy did he have to work for it. I don't think I've seen such a CVG of "Refuse to give it up easily" victims all in one movie before. They went through SO much and kept fighting back all the way to an ending that made my YELL out loud in both anger and frustration. (Then I realized that ending was non negotiable, if ended any other way they were have been serious problems with the continuity and ability to BE a sequel to the first 2 films). So despite the ending making me near cry out of "No it can't end this way". I understand there was no other choice as the other 2 movies would not have been possible without this ending. Unlike most typical slashers and survival horror films this film refused to include many tropes, their was no unearned easy kills, there was no "stupid moves" by the CVG, the CVG displayed fight, vigor, relentless will to survive and really did everything they could think of, (And that I could think of) to get out of the mess they were in. This both surprised me and excited me. This killer and his lack of feelings/emotion seemed particularly brutal to me, and yes, this movie lacked drawn out torture or sadomasochistic undertones. Yet it did have some gore, just enough to make it work.

So in conclusion, and without spoilers, this film is EXTREMLY mistreated in this review section, and those negs (I see right through you), should go back and put Saw and Chainsaw massacre on their players on repeat and chill out, because you obviously are one of those who have been completely drained of the REAL definition of horror films, especially where slashers or survival horror goes. If you are a fan of either of those genres (Slasher, Survival horror) you should find a way to see this. It's a real shame this film has NO official release with English Dubs or English Subs. You will have to download an English subbed version from where ever you can find it on the internet. There are places you can watch that version (The English subs have been added post production and are not found on any official dvd/blurray). Which is a real shame. But if you can find it to watch, do so, it's a GREAT film for Slasher/Survival Horror fans.
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