Is Mads Brügger the Michael Moore of Denmark?
10 April 2021
I couldn't suspend my disbelief enough for this one to have the impact Brügger wanted it to have on me (for example, Alejandro, being confined to Spain and deprived of his income from the North Korean government, had no incentive to be anything other than an actor). It was also slow-paced and part 2 was a bore; I would have preferred a piece that slanted more on the human condition aspect of the mole who'd sacrificed so much just for 15 minutes of fame, rather than whatever charade Brügger was trying to construct. Cold Case Hammersjold was very similar; when Brügger hits a wall, he makes do with the footage that he has, but is it the truth he is after? He seems to be a producer that cares more about the end than the means. 6.5 rounded up only because it fleshes out how the North Koreans exploit those around them and deal in illicit goods. I would not really say it was worth my two hours of attention.
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