Koi Jaane Na (2021)
It's better If nobody knows this film and that's how it justifies its title.
2 April 2021
Koi Jaane Na (2021) : Movie Review -

Koi Jaane Na is coming from the debutant director Amin Hajee so normally it wasn't expected to come out something brilliant. When the trailer released, certain things looked dull with the budget and filming but the main issue was the story. Having seen so many classic thrillers it was easy for me to guess the suspense after watching the trailer and unsurprisingly i was right. Well, i won't reveal the suspense here to spoil your party and i even believe that some chunk of audience who belong to masses and those who haven't seen hundreds of classic thrillers might even find it interesting. Koi Jaane Na lacks the quality proportions in on screen execution due to low budget and that's acceptable but an off screen part like writing falters occassionally which isn't forgivable at all.

Let's begin with the story which shouldn't be told to keep the suspense fresh but a brief idea can be told without spoilers. A fictional writer is suspected as a murderer because the techniques used for the homicides are similar to his books. The entire plot revolves around only this idea while the love story and threat of being stalked follows the young couple. Koi Jaane Na gives a lot of hints in the first half only that how and where it is gonna take you by the end and that's the biggest worry for the film. The screenplay is scattered and unauthentic according to situations and therefore finds it tough to hold your attention throughout the runtime. Somehow the predictable climax ends it on a complete note but only when it's too late.

Performances by Kunal Kapoor, Amin Hajee and Atul Kulkarni are somewhat convincing whereas Amyra Dastur finds no links between her characterisation and dialogue delivery. The supporting cast is certainly a relief as Ashwini Kalsekar, Achint Kaur, Neha Mahajan, Vidya Malavade and Raj Zutshi tries to give something over the lame writing of their characters. Musically, Koi Jaane Na is uplifted by Har Funn Maula as Aamir Khan and Elli AvrRam both sizzle in hot looks and their cracking chemistry makes the video glamourous. The other songs are above average but appears at wrong occasions. A thriller film should never include so many songs to lower down the pace.

Technical features of the film are okay okay but some are horrible such as loud background score and shaking camera which aren't used well. Director Amin Hajee seems lost from the first frame as he even fails to recognise the framework. In some scenes the frame looks dark and then the next frame is bright and suddenly it looks saturated, i mean all at the same place, same scene. What a terrible production values it has. Subsequently, the wrong set up and lacking the concrete theories takes the film even more down than what it should have been. Overall, Koi Jaane Na is an unskillful thriller which doesn't work at any single aspects of filmmaking you name whether it is acting, writting, dialogues, cinematography or direction.

RATING - 4/10*
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