Kalinka (2016)
Victor Garenq directed
17 March 2021
Autueille plays the father of Kalenka murdered by Krombach. She was raped then injected with an overdose of iron. It took Berneski three decades to get a conviction. The story is very interesting with Krombach first having an affair with Autueille's wife. When the affair is discovered, they marry and move to Bavaria, Landau. The children are there when Kalenka,15, is murdered. She was about to return to Toulouse when she was killed. Other victims surface. Wives of Krombach die or get sick. German officials cover up. The autopsy is a cover up. The body is dug up and the vagina is missing. The French court tries him without his presence. He is found guilty, but Germany does not recognize that verdict. This is a fascinating case which exposes corruption. The court scenes are also interesting. This case is one where a doctor does terrible harm over decades and gets away with it. He died in 2020.
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