Review of Scissors

Scissors (1991)
How She Do Run On
13 March 2021
Sharon Stone is a sick girl, scurrying from junk store homewards to her luxury building apartment in New York, where she fights off a recurring rapist in the elevator. Neighbor Steve Railsback plays her wheelchair-bound neighbor and his own twin actor,. Her psychiatrist, Ronny Cox works hard during their sessions, although his wife, Michelle Phillips, who is running for mayor, keeps phoning to say she won't be home.

Miss Stone goes to the sixth-floor office of a developer -- why? The director moved the camera -- where she finds him stabbed to death, and her trapped there because the door handles are disconnected and everything is bolted to the floor. Meanwhile, telegrams go to Railsback and Cox saying she's gone to Oklahoma. Railsback doesn't believe it because her cat is crying.

Anyway, that's the set-up, and besides the cinematic pleasure of watching Miss Stone being tormented -- if that's your idea of a good time -- there's the question of who is doing this and why. That's the mystery component to this movie, to give it an actual plot. Unfortunately for my taste, writer-director Frank De Felitta concentrates so much on the second-hand imagery, from Poe to cheap reproduction furniture, to the good-bad-twin bit, that the structure doesn't matter in this watered-down, almost blodless Grand Guignol.
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