JFK: The Smoking Gun (2013 TV Movie)
The Conclusion is Ridiculous
6 March 2021
I have watched everything available on film ever made about the JFK Assassination and his conclusion that a Secret Service Agent accidentally whacked JFK with the famous fatal head shot is pathetic.

It's just part of the campaign to coverup what a lie CE399 is as the Internet has allowed more people to realize what a joke that is along with so many other things.

Sprinkle in an Aussie detective with the Crocodile Dundee accent, with a simplistic recreations of the events, and their best method - deliberately ignoring important contrary evidence - and it's another attempt to avoid a reopening of the Murder of JFK and releasing of ALL files and subpoena power to find out what really happened.

The most intelligent researchers haven't reached a conclusion. Not possible without that.

This gets 3 because it addresses the ballistics and other areas in at least but the conclusion is laughable.
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