The Vigil (2019)
Been here before
2 March 2021
Don't really want to spend much time on this review since I know people have/will address similar gripes.

It doesn't help that the previous movie I watched before this has the exact same themes of the effects from a traumatic tragedy (Daniel Isn't Real), but while that one was surprisingly fun and upbeat at times, this movie has me thinking that I'm getting slow burn Horror fatigue.

The direction, the editing, sound/music, and the acting are fine, but the script... the plot and the story just don't do it for me... at all... not even a little bit. Story always comes first to me, and this one missed in that department. The plot wasn't there either; there's only so many times you could write a guy going into different parts of a house and getting spooked before it becomes one-note redundancy ad nauseam. A groan of tedium escaped me throughout the entire 2nd and 3rd acts.

Maybe, I missed something, but the entire setup was pointless to me (the whole thing with texting the girl and meeting his friends at the beginning), literally none of them are ever heard of again after the first 10 minutes (except the the girl... I know she's supposed to represent his arc, but ehh).

If you're up for a derivative and a contrived experience, check it out, but it's a no from me, dawg.

This probably should've been a 20 minute short film.
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