Uninteresting propaganda
25 February 2021
My take on this film will likely be unpopular, because it goes against the conventional orthodoxy, but I found this film to be boring, misleading, and fundamentally anti-human at its core.

This is the classic case of 'opinion masquerading as facts.' Nothing in this documentary is scientifically sourced. I'm not saying it is all wrong, just that it is not sourced, nor balanced. This "Al Gore" level stuff here. Actually it's worse, because it is mostly images designed to provoke emotional reactions. At least Gore tried to use scientific explanations (they were just wrong, but we aren't supposed to talk about that). Using images without context to provoke emotional reactions is the core definition of what "propaganda" is.

A person could have made the entirely opposite documentary using almost the exact same footage, just changing the ominous music and negative narration to one that celebrates these things as technological achievements of human-kind, and how our ingenuity can get us through these current times, if only we let it.

I do not wish to paper over the fact that there are serious problems on planet earth, serious flaws in our thinking that strives for endless growth, endless consumption, and ever-risking stock markets on finite planet with finite resources. But you will notice that very, very rarely does the finger get pointed at these real root causes. Instead we get documentaries like that that just blame us, and strive make us feel guilty and worthless. That's why I consider this documentary to be "anti-human" at it's core.
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