Sudden Terror (1970)
14 February 2021
Eyewitness is a curious little known thriller starring Mark Lester who was riding high at the time because of Oliver!

In fact it is the type of thriller that was common where kids are in peril and try to avoid the baddies only to keep bumping into them. Eyewitness though is a little bit sadistic as well as being hysterical.

Lester plays Ziggy. An imaginative boy who likes to tell fantastical tall stories.

He lives in a lighthouse in Malta with his grandfather (Lionel Jeffries) and his older sister Pippa (Susan George.)

While watching a parade. Ziggy sees a policeman assassinate a visiting African dignitary. He is pursued by the two policemen but he manages to evade them

When Ziggy tries to tell his sister about it, she disbelieves him.

Ziggy is plagued by bad luck. At each turn it seems that the two policemen are on to him as they wish to silence Ziggy and they take no prisoners. They leave a trail of bodies behind such as a father and a child, a priest. Anyone who gets in their way is acceptable collateral damage.

The real police investigating the murder of the African leader soon suspect that the assassins pretended to be policemen so they would not be noticed in the crowd.

I thought there was some uneven acting as several of the cast were overacting. Jeffries was trying too hard to be zany. George's role was plain annoying.

Peter Vaughn was suitably icy cold as one of the villains. However the film just loses control of the plot as the dead bodies mount up.
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