Plays it way too safe
29 January 2021
I find Lucy Hale oddly charismatic and watchable. I'd only seen her in horror movies before now - some a lot better than others - and even though the movie wasn't always the best, she was strong in spite of it. I decided to give her a go in a romantic-comedy (yes, that's how grim the film releases are currently that I'm having to resort to these genres) and it was much the same thing. The movie wasn't much to look at, but she shone through nonetheless.

I decided to give this one a go because of the R rating. I thought it might be willing to push some boundaries and take some risks. Sadly, it was very tame. It played it very safely and that was my biggest disappointment out of this one. No film that has multiple scenes set in Las Vegas should ever be as mundane as this.

The characters were the other big let down for me. Outside of Hale's character, there really isn't anyone offering much. Her three immediate friends have some half-decent moments, but they are very few and far between. Her love interest played by Leonidas Gulaptis was as generic as they come.

There's a fun concept here and handled with a little more effort and daring this could have been something. Sadly though, this one will be gone from my mind in a week.
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